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School of Journalism

Reporting Words

Anthony Carreón donated plasma to make ends meet during college.


Mackenzie Ulam volunteers at a crisis text line and has stayed up with people as they contemplated ending their life.


Despite new barriers, organizers in Texas boost voter turnout


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Record levels of voter turnout during a pandemic could not have happened without the work of volunteers.


“Sorry, we’re open” became “Sorry, we’re closed” but Magnolia Cafe’s memories live on


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Kent Cole had two rules. The name had to have the word “cafe” and egg puns weren’t allowed.


Asian American Journalists Association

EMBRACE (1).png

Co-editor and designer

Our first issue of the University of Texas at Austin's AAJA zine, Reflections, is centered around the theme of EMBRACE. To accept, acknowledge and share ourselves in our full wholeness as Asian Americans, as creatives, and ultimately as humans. We are more than our singular experiences, but we share these stories in hopes of shining light on the nuances that make up our identity as individuals and as a community.

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